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Northampton Newbie

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2010, 12:20
by slackman99
Afternoon all,

Long time lover of bbq food, newbie at actually cooking it properly! Done the grilling side of things for a few years, and have even managed to make some of the stuff i've cooked rather than just bought burgers and sausages.

Got a kettle bbq last year and had a go at smoking, which wasn't that sucessful (too dry as it's only a small kettle so I think the indirect heat was a bit too direct!)

I've just bought a Excel 20 (on Ebay I think from someone on this site) to start some proper bbqing. Can't wait to have a proper go at some pulled pork etc.

I'm sure i'll be along with some questions, so bare with me!

Now all I need is to figure out how to get a Bookers/Makro or Costco card to get the decent meat and charcoal!

Re: Northampton Newbie

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2010, 14:00
by All Weather Griller
Welcome to the Forum,

I'm sure in the next few months or so you will be picking up tips on how to perfect the pulled pork.

Looking forward to seeing a few of your posts.



Re: Northampton Newbie

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2010, 11:48
by esselle
Hi and welcome to the forum. I'm just up the road from you in Leicester so if you need any help give us a shout.

Re: Northampton Newbie

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2010, 12:34
by slackman99
Any ideas on something simple and cheap to christen the Excel with? I was thinking a pork joint of some description, but not sure whether to go safe with beef (as undercooking isn't going to make me ill!)

Re: Northampton Newbie

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2010, 13:07
by esselle
slackman99 wrote:Any ideas on something simple and cheap to christen the Excel with? I was thinking a pork joint of some description, but not sure whether to go safe with beef (as undercooking isn't going to make me ill!)

Chicken is always a nice easy one to start with, either whole or thighs/legs etc.

Re: Northampton Newbie

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2010, 12:01
by SunofTzu
Happy to help if needed as I also hail from Northampton but only started proper Q this year :) As far as starters go...chicken is a good one as esselle has suggested or ribs (the local Tescos, Weston Favell I think, had good pork ribs recently ....cut down not a full rack, although I have got a full rack before from the butchery counter). Neither of these will take too long to cook as an initial christening after you've seasoned your Excel.

As far as Costco in MK goes, I think you can just apply for membership (they are supposed to restrict it to certain organisations/companies but I've heard they aren't real sticklers for it). Costco though haven't been doing charcoal this year apart from the instant lighting stuff :( On the meat front, they do good packs of pork babybacks (4 racks in a pack for £8-£10), rolled beef brisket is worth a go plus last time I noticed pork shoulder (boneless), unfortunately I'd picked up a standard shoulder elsewhere to do my pulled pork with.

No idea how to get a Booker's card for the local branch.

Charcoal: I did pop over to try and find this mob but they didn't seem to be open so I'm not sure if they do charcoal still. If you find a reasonable local source for charcoal then please share :)

Re: Northampton Newbie

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2010, 12:24
by esselle
Haven't you got a Makro in Northampton, they have the big bags of Lumpwood.

Re: Northampton Newbie

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2010, 13:55
by SunofTzu
Nope :( ...closest to us according to the Makro site is either Coventry or Leicester...mind you for a bulk buy it probably would be worth the trip rather than sifting through the stuff the local DIY stores or garden centres tend to get strange looks when picking up the bags and shaking them to try to work out how much of the contents is small bits of crushed charcoal :lol: Although I see Toby did get a national account for the BBQ Society with Booker so have PM'd him to see if cards can still be acquired :)

Re: Northampton Newbie

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2010, 15:17
by slackman99
Thanks for everyone's responses.

I think that I might have to give some chicken a go first (as it's fairly cheap for thighs).

Used to have a Costco card through the fiancee's old place of work. Needless to say when she left, we had to give the card back.

So do Makro do the best charcoal? I work in Coventry so as i'm already over here, wouldn't be the end of the world to pop in to get stuff if I could get a card.

As with everything in life, I suppose it's not what you know, but who you know when it comes to getting a card if you don't own or buy for a business!

Re: Northampton Newbie

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2010, 17:23
by stickthekettleon
Hi, Welcome to the forum. How did the chicken go?
Just an Idea for something nice and cheap to start smoking with is pheasant.
A brace will set you back about 5 or 6 quid from your butcher

To start just clean them down, put a bit of butter inside and season lightly (rosemary works really well)
Throw in a small lump of oak on the briquettes and cook for 3-4 hours at around 225*F, just treat as you would poultry, keep checking the meat temp until done.

best of luck
