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Hello from Leicester

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2016, 08:33
by louisg
Hi All,

Always loved BBQ but mainly the eating. Enjoy trying out new smokehouses around the country and the odd BBQ festival such as Red rooster and Grillstock. I have only cooked on gas bbq, and mainly the simple party stuff such as burgers, sausages, chicken and salmon. I would ideally like to move away from this and buy my first smoker. Currently looking at Pro Q, WSM and UDS (from Bristol drum smokers).

Re: Hello from Leicester

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2016, 11:41
by slicker55

Only recently joined this forum but a warm welcome!

I just bought my first smoker (WSM 37cm) after many enjoyable years with Weber Q320 - the competition is on!