Hi from Medway.

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Hi from Medway.

Postby Churchill » 16 Jun 2017, 20:15

Hi, everyone!
My name is Vitaly or VK and I am building the smokehouse. I came up with this idea recently. Random thoughts were flying around my head and banging into my skull until one day.
That day I was cooking some meat on a poorly made bbq grill. Btw, I love cooking food on bbq. I was staring how raw meat slowly transformed into delicious, juicy and edible food. Right in that moment, I decided - let us build a smoke house.
When I shared my plans and drawings with work mates they said that it is easier to buy one in the Homebase or Argos, buuuut I ain't easy man, I like hard routes and I like difficulties...
The first difficulty was - 3D drawing software. Learned that and moved on. Drawing below.
That is how this project will look like at the end. Please ignore empty, soulless and ugly fire box. In that place, I will buy drum BBQ from ASDA and modify it, and use it as a BBQ grill or fireplace/smoke generator for the smoke house. - GENIOUS.

I am 23, and I have never built anything from wood. Went to boot fair to get some tools and bought some untreated timber from local, mad, crazy, Indian Guy. And magic began.

See building process below.

Progress so far:
1. Frame for the smokehouse - done
2. Two walls - done
3. Home basement cleaned from unwanted stuff- done

To do!
1. Buy more material
2. Finish smokehouse wooden part within 5 days.
3. Visit favorite store - ASDA
5. Buy flue pipes
4. Weld, Weld, Weld.
5. Get some cheap bricks - you can help me here.

And also. I love photography.
Some of my favorite photography.

Just drop your thought below! :)

Have a nice hottest days in UK.

P.S. Sorry for my rough English. :D
Still Raw Inside
Still Raw Inside
Posts: 1
Joined: 15 Jun 2017, 20:02
Location: Rochester

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